Fact Sheets
Remediation Action Plans (RAP's)
The project RAP documents the procedures and standards to be followed in order to make the site suitable for the proposed commercial/industrial land use, while ensuring the protection of human health and the surrounding environment.
A RAP was prepared as part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Project, and the revised RAP for Stage 1 (PDF 102.4MB) was required due to changes to the development since the EA was lodged and to reflect the revised National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (released in 2013), with revised health investigation levels for commercial industrial landuse relevant to this site. Additional information was also available in relation to the characterisation of risk at the site.
As the future owner and landuse of the site was not known at the time of Orica’s remediation works, a further RAP (PDF 3.5MB) was prepared to outline the remedial works required for the land to be sold on Stage 2. This further RAP has conditions that require implementation by the owner depending on the use or development of the site.
Validation Reports
The following Validation Reports have been prepared following completion of the remedial activities by Orica:
Southlands Stage 1 - Validation Report (PDF 46.2MB)
NSW EPA Site Audit Statements
The Southlands Project was overseen by a NSW EPA Accredited Site Auditor, Mr Chris Jewell. The Site Auditor has reviewed the project RAP's and provided the following Site Audit Statements confirming that the subject land is suitable for the proposed use following implementation of the project RAP's.
Human Health Risk Assessments
A Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) was prepared for the Environmental Assessment. Then a revised HHRA was prepared to identify environmental issues that required addressing in the Stage 1 RAP. A further HHRA was then developed for the Stage 2 assessment.
The current HHRA documents are provided below:
Project Modification (2013)
Preliminary geotechnical and flood detention work identified a need to adjust the site layout to achieve the required compensatory flood storage. In late February 2013 Orica submitted a modification application to the then NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DP&I) for a revised site layout. DP&I invited submissions on the modification and issued a modification to the project approval on 14 August 2013.
Approvals and Management Plans
The then NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DP&I) issued a project approval for Stage 1 of the Southlands Development Project in April 2012.
Information about subsequent modifications to the Project Approval is available on the Department of Planning and Environment website.
Strategies, plans or programs required under the project approval during implementation of the Southlands project are posted here:
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Long Term Environmental Management Plan
Asbestos, which is present in fill across the Southlands site, requires that a Long Term Environmental Management Plan (LTEMP) is prepared and implemented. The LTEMP is in place to manage exposure of future site users, construction and maintenance workers to asbestos in fill (beneath the barrier layer) and to potentially contaminated groundwater.
Southlands Stage 1 - Long Term Site Environmental Management Plan (PDF 5.5MB)
Project Environmental Assessment (2009)
An environmental assessment (EA) for the development of Southlands was submitted to the then Department of Planning (DoP) in August 2009. The EA describes the project and incorporates detailed studies including a remediation action plan (that has been reviewed by an independent site auditor), hydrology and flooding assessment, traffic study, human health risk assessment, and flora and fauna study. The EA also includes a draft statement of commitments that describes the environmental management and monitoring proposed to be undertaken during the construction and operation of the project. The EA was on public exhibition from 2 September to 7 October 2009.
The DoP provided Director-General's Requirements for preparation of an environmental assessment in September 2006.
As the EA is a comprehensive technical document, Orica prepared a project leaflet to provide a summary of the project scope:
EA Figures
EA Appendices
Civil Plans
Landscape Drawings
Please note that certain documents have been updated as the project has progressed and not all material in the EA remains current.
If you are having difficulty downloading these larger files, please contact Orica and we can provide you with copies.
NB: Some references to Goodman International Limited (Goodman) can be found in some documents and drawings posted on this website. This is because Goodman was involved in the early phases of the project development. Orica then became the sole proponent of the project and subsequently sold Stage 1 of the site to Goodman in September 2014.
Response to Submissions (2010–2013)
Orica's response to submissions received on the Southlands Development Project are available on the Department of Planning & Environment website. The following links will take you to two separate pages on the Department's website where you can scroll down to access folders titled "Response to Submissions".
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