KI 01

Nitrates Turnaround 2019

In March 2019, the No.2 nitric acid plant, No.2 ammonium nitrate plant and No.3 nitric acid plant were temporarily shut down to undergo planned maintenance. The multimillion-dollar project, known as a turnaround, saw the completion of more than 400 tasks and involved around 200 extra workers on site. Some of the activities undertaken included:

• statutory inspections of pressure vessels

• integrity inspections of piping and tanks

• testing of safety instrumented systems

• inspection, overhaul and setting of relief valves

• catalyst replacements

• replacement of ageing equipment

• machine overhauls and replacement.

Major turnarounds for the nitrates plants are conducted every five years and provide an opportunity to undertake important works that will ensure the plants can continue to operate safely and efficiently.

No.2 AN plant

The No.2 ammonium nitrate plant

Nitrates turnaround equipment inspection

Workers inspecting plant equipment during the turnaround