Advanced Vibration Management (AVM) - Prediction and optimisation of blast outcomes

Advanced Vibration Management (AVM)

Prediction and optimisation of blast outcomes to reduce vibration impacts.

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A sophisticated measurement and statistical modelling techniques to predict and control the impact of blasting to higher risk structures or to deliver targeted vibration control outcomes.

Automated and efficient data management
Integrated within the BlastIQ™ system, AVM automates and minimises manual data entry and optimises user experience.
 Advanced vibration modelling
Advanced prediction algorithm
AVM’s unique advanced algorithm takes into account parameters not considered in other models (e.g. Scaled Distance Method) to provide a more accurate prediction.
Enables operations personnel
Design of charging and initiation configuration
AVM optimises charging and timing designs by allowing multiple scenarios to be modelled based on as loaded data collected through the BlastIQ™ system.
AVM Multiple Points B
Model vibration at multiple points of interest
Points of interest are associated with a domain so that predictions can be run for multiple monitoring points in one simulation.
Global network of domain experts
A global network of Specialist Engineers to assist in the implementation to suit your site and its requirements.


Vibration and Airblast Control Banner
Vibration and Airblast Control
The BlastIQ™ Vibration and Airblast control solution safeguards license to operate and optimises blasting productivity in constrained environments by providing the tools to design, model, implement and measure blasts to vibration limits.
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VisionThis link will open in a new window
Vision video - digitally enabled better blasting powered by BlastIQ™
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Vibration Control Flyer (pdf 1.8MB)This link will open in a new window
Vibration and Airblast Control Flyer - Minimising environmental impacts of blasting through optimisation.
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BlastIQ Next Generation Thumbnail
Next Generation BlastIQ™ Brochure (pdf 851.3KB)This link will open in a new window
Next Generation BlastIQ™ Brochure - Integrated technology solutions to optimise every blast.
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Case study - Increase Blast size with controlled vibration levels at JK Cement Works (pdf 231.5KB)This link will open in a new window
Case study - Increase blast size with controlled vibration levels at JK Cement Works
AVM helped JK Cement Works to generate more tonnes from a single blast.
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