Maximise recovery in challenging geology

Maximising coal recovery in challenging geologies represents a significant efficiency opportunity for most coal mining operations to increase the value of their resource. As the easy coal is mined out, mine operators need to become more skillful at mining thin, steep, deep and undulating seams productively and without sacrificing coal quality. Orica has developed significant expertise in using unconventional techniques for through-seam and deep-seam blasting and coal edge protection using our own specialist design software, geophysical tools, on-bench data management systems and electronic blasting systems.

Features and Benefits

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  • Customer Stories

    "Wahana Baratama Mining has found real benefits at our mining project, through the introduction of Orica’s through-seam blasting system. Our overall productivity and performance in both coal and overbu"

    Trevor Newey
    Mining Manager
    Wahana Baratama Mining

    View Customer Story



*Mandatory fields


Mandatory field(s) marked with *
  • SHOTPlus™
  • Electronic Blasting Systems - i-kon™ III
  • Total Load Service (TLS)
  • SHOTPlus Underground™