The quality of your broken stock has a significant impact on your downstream load, haul and processing operations.

Whether you are looking for optimised rock sizing distribution, better muckpile shape or improved environmental control, we have the expertise to manage the blasting process and deliver the results you need. Our Rock-to-Specification service include blast design management, explosives supply, shot firing, KPI reporting and overall blast management, with the option to add on drilling.

Your blast outcomes are guaranteed, with commercial terms linked to the agreed specification. Optimal outcomes will be achieved with our advanced and proven blasting techniques and technologies, including our BlastIQ™ digital suite, Electronic Blasting Systems, sophisticated delivery systems and wide range of Bulk products.


  • Iron Ore
  • Surface Metal
  • Quarrying
  • Surface Coal

Hole Conditions

  • Dry
  • Dewatered
  • Wet
  • Hard Rock
  • Hot and / or Reactive Ground
  • Jointed Ground
  • Very Abrasive Rock
  • Dynamic Shock

Features and Benefits



*Mandatory fields


Mandatory field(s) marked with *
  • Rock to Specification (R2S)