Designed with excellent water resistance for use in upholes

Subtek™ Velcro is a chemically sensitised emulsion explosive specifically formulated for enhance retention in upholes.

Predominantly used in underground production blasting, Subtek™ Velcro may also be used for development applications after consultation with Orica technical personnel.

It is not suitable for use in ground containing reactive sulphide.


 The Subtek™ product range



Subtek™ Velcro

Development and Production charging

Subtek™ Eclipse™

Used in underground mines with mildly reactive ground

 Subtek™ Charge

Used in downholes and development headings. It is not suitable for ground containing reactive sulphide. 

Subtek™ Vulcan™

Used in underground mines with reactive and/or hot ground

Subtek™ Intense

Used in extreme conditions where a more robust bulk product is required.

Subtek™ Deep

Used in exceptionally deep blast holes and has excellent water resistance and high compression resistance to hydrostatic pressure.

Subtek™ Control™

Provides a range of explosive energies in a single face. Very low-density capability available with any variant of Subtek™ for perimeter control in development mining.



*Mandatory fields


Mandatory field(s) marked with *
  • Subtek™ Velcro