Fragmentation Control - Optimising fragmentation for downstream process efficiency
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Fragmentation Control

Optimising fragmentation for downstream process efficiency.

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FRAGTrackTM enables you to improve productivity and optimise drill and blast through the integration of fragmentation data into the drill and blast planning and design processes.

Real-time web-based interface for superior analysis and decision making
The integration of Microsoft Azure solution allows edge data to now sync in real-time to the cloud, promoting collaboration amongst stakeholders. FRAGTrack™ Web enables remote access to live and historical fragmentation data for all authorised users, including specific KPI tracking.
Integrated solution
FRAGTrack™ solution provides APIs to directly integrate with site Fleet Management Systems (FMS), Crusher Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and blasting software, allowing continuous monitoring of performance of blasting, hauling and crushing.
Improved diggability
Measurement of blast outcomes provides the insight required to ensure optimal fragmentation targets are being met to meet targeted diggability rates.
Blast optimisation
Rock fragmentation data and insights, integrated with other related sources helps drive the necessary improvements in blast designs, delivering better blast outcomes.
Improved plant throughput
The greater sampling frequency enabled by autonomous systems for capture and processing of samples provides greater insights, allowing visualisation and comparative analysis of multiple sample data sets, and identification of oversize material.
Improved safety
Improved safety of personnel through the elimination of manual sampling methods.


The next generation BlastIQ™ Platform delivers a suite of enhanced technologies, empowering better decision making and increased control of blasting outcomes.

The technologies in the BlastIQ™ Platform are designed to deliver economic and operational value individually, but the benefits are maximised when they are integrated in a systemised process.

Automated capture and reporting of fragmentation data.
Advanced blast design and modelling software for complex blasts.


*Mandatory fields


Mandatory field(s) marked with *


USING FRAGTRACK™ TO CONTROL POST PRIMARY SIZING (pdf 638.6KB)This link will open in a new window
Case Study - Using FRAGTrack™ to control post primary sizing.

Control of product sizing is important at New Windsor to maximise returns and minimise waste material.
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FRAGTrack FELFlyer225_319
FRAGTrack™ Front End Loader (FEL) Flyer (pdf 931.3KB)This link will open in a new window
FRAGTrack™ Front End Loader (FEL) Flyer

An industry first innovation that uses advanced 3D machine vision and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to autonomously capture information at loader dig faces.
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Conference Paper – Leverage geospatial particle size distribution to understand variability within a blast, rock mass and orebody (pdf 1MB)This link will open in a new window
Conference Paper - Leverage geospatial particle size distribution to understand variability within a blast, rock mass and orebody.
Orica acknowledges the 26th World Mining Congress as the publisher of the conference proceedings.
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Gantry Flyer1
FRAGTrack™ Gantry Flyer (pdf 1.7MB)This link will open in a new window
FRAGTrack™ Gantry Flyer - Real-time oversized material detection, enabling redirecting from the crusher.
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